You are not alone, you have never been alone and never will be. The universe is vast, and contains an endless inexhaustible, unfathomable wealth of stars, and planets, and energy, and atoms that you are a part of. You are made up of the same materials you can find everywhere in the universe, and yet you are specially arranged so that you have the capacity to experience. If you can read this, that means you’ve been given the gift of a brain, which means you have the capability to shape the universe around you. The brain was born to create, and even the simplest thoughts and words you speak or write have the most profound power to create unique realities and experiences.When you learn to think for yourself and operate your own mind you can use that ability to speak directly to the mind of another human being. This is why computers are the most important tools in our continuing human existence. The computer allows you access to media and tools of creation so that you can take control of your own mind easily. Media is the language of the brain. Lights and sounds, pictures and ideas. Through media we can create a basic universal human language. If a game is good, if a picture is appealing, if a video is funny, it is so universally without having to speak. If you consider electronic medium a way to communicate directly to the brain without language than computers and the internet allow us a sort of telepathy. The Internet and Computers give us a platform on which to speak to the collective mind of the entire world and say anything that we desire. What would you say into the microphone? What would You say to the entire world? What message would you send knowing you had that large an audience?
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